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The Government Procurement Crisis You Haven’t Heard Of, And How We Can Fix It

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The Government Procurement Crisis You Haven’t Heard Of, And How We Can Fix It

Government procurement is facing a perfect storm of challenges that is crippling its ability to serve citizens effectively.

When speaking to Chief Procurement Officers and Officials across the spectrum, we have seen how the crisis spans talent shortages, outdated technology, bureaucratic processes, and lack of innovation. But few people fully grasp the systemic issues plaguing public purchasing. It’s time to shed light on this crisis and how we can leverage technology to spark a much-needed transformation!

Brain Drain: A Talent Crisis No One Talks About

Government procurement departments are suffering from a widening skills and staffing gap. As current employees retire, not enough young talent is stepping in to replace them. This brain drain is severely undercutting procurement capabilities at the worst possible time.

Lost in the Red Tape Jungle

Procurement professionals are bogged down with compliance paperwork, unable to tap their skills for higher strategic value. Instead of innovating, they’re trapped in bureaucratic quagmires that stifle progress.

Working With Stone Age Systems

Most procurement technology systems are ancient, fragmented, and painfully inefficient. Vital modernization is long overdue, depriving departments of vital tools to enhance their work.

Missing the Digital Boat

Despite study after study showing technology upgrades are urgently needed, most procurement groups lack the systems required to purchase new solutions for agencies they support. Talk about ironic and troubling.

Shutting the Door on New Suppliers

Small and minority owned businesses often can’t navigate complex government bid processes. This shrinks the supplier pool and access to new innovation for purchasers.

Federal Funding Windfall Whiff

With the influx of federal stimulus funds, procurement teams are missing huge opportunities to increase partnerships with minority suppliers through continued reliance on arcane systems.

Co-ops Dropping the Innovation Ball

Cooperative purchasing groups still cling to outdated processes, rather than seizing the chance to evolve procurement through new technology platforms.

E-Procurement Vendors Stuck in Silos

Current e-procurement vendors offer fragmented tools that fail to deliver comprehensive solutions procurement professionals need.

Cries for Change from Within

Frustrated government procurement managers are begging for modernization, based on input they have provided on building a better platform.

The Future is Now

The time is right to heed those calls for change. Through an integrated platform like the Civic Marketplace we can infuse agility, efficiency and strategic impact into public procurement.

Now more than ever, government needs procurement heroes to champion this kind of digital transformation. With the advances in technology available today, the possibilities for upgrading purchasing power are endless. But awareness of the problems plaguing procurement is the first step to rallying for real improvement.

It’s time to rebuild public procurement as a driver of government excellence. Citizens deserve nothing less.

Click here to request a demo of our services.

Big thanks also to Michael Barber, Katelyn Donnelly, Saad Rizvi, Harry Hammond and Team DA for their unrelenting support.

The Government Procurement Crisis You Haven’t Heard Of, And How We Can Fix It